Tuesday, 21 April 2015

When is a lie acceptable when dealing with a business??

Apparently, it is OK for a business to lie to its customers.

If a customer has made a conscious choice to deal wholly and solely with a business that is based in Tasmania and asks a straightforward question about where part of that business is based; it is apparently OK for the business to tell the customer a lie, as long as the service or product is locally sourced.

For example, if you call a business and you ask the question "Where are you based?" to the person on the other end of the phone. The reply could be "In Sydney" or some other Australian city or town, when in fact that person is based in an overseas call center.

Yes, overseas call centers are, unfortunately, a trend which sees more and more local jobs disappearing, particularly in an economy such as Tasmania which relies on this type of work to employ young people.

But surely, the general public should have the right to make a choice about which companies it wishes to deal with based on the truth.
It certainly leaves a sour taste in the mouth and wallet when you find these things out after the event.

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